Monday, December 21, 2009

New Year - New Choices

New Year - New Choices
by Deborah in NC

PDF Version of this tutorial can be found here

Supplies Needed:
PSP (written in PSP X2, tested in 9 & X, will work in other versions with a few modifications)
Font of choice, I used Avalon Medium a PTU font found here
Supplies zip file here includes:
-1024-flower (by LaManouche other work available here or here)
-1163-luzcristina (by Luz Cristina other work available here)

Material palette: Select a light color of choice, your favorite color and set as your FG color. For BG change to pattern and open a pattern of choice or use mine from the zip (Settings for mine were Angle 68, Scale: 100)

1. Open 1024-flower. Duplicate image, close original.

2. Delete the watermark layer

3. Colorize to FG color

4. Duplicate Image (Shift + D). Minimize one copy

5. Open 1163-luzcristina.

6. Edit>Copy

7. Close original

8. Edit>Paste>Paste as a new layer

9. Move to bottom right corner of image

10. Layers>New Raster layer

11. Layers>Arrange>Send to bottom

12. Flood fill with FG

13. Selections>Select All

14. Maximize 2nd copy of flower, Edit>Copy, minimize copy

15. Edit>Paste>Paste into selection. Select None.

16. Effects>Image Effects>Seamless tiling: default settings

17. Adjust>Blur>Gaussian Blur: 10

18. Layer palette, activate the flower tube layer. Layers>Properties: Blend Mode: Soft Light

19. Layer palette, activate the woman and child layer. Layers>Properties: Blend Mode: Luminance (Legacy)

20. Layers>Merge>Merge all (flatten)

21. Selections>Select all

22. Selections>Modify>Contract: 3

23. Selections>Invert

24. Layers>New raster layer

25. Flood fill with BG (pattern)

26. Effects>3D Effects>Inner Bevel: #12, 5, 10, 3, 5, 0, white, 315, 30, 50

27. Selections>Select None

28. Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 100, 15, black, Unchecked

29. Repeat Drop Shadow

30. Layers>Merge>Merge Visible

31. New Image: Width: 1600, Height: 900, pixels, Raster Transparent (we are making large so that when we resize you will have a nice clear image)

32. Flood fill with FG color

33. Selections>Select All

34. Maximize 2nd flower image. Edit>Copy. Close flower image.

35. Edit>Paste>Paste into selection

36. Selections>Select None

37. Effects>Image Effects>Seamless tile: deafault

38. Layers>Properties: lower opacity 50 to 70, your choice so that the image is pale in color

39. Layers>Merge>Merge All

40. Activate image created above. Edit>Copy. Minimize if you want to use as a header or tag, otherwise you can close the image

41. Edit>Paste>Paste as a new layer

42. Mover tool to position where you want the image to be. Mine is in the middle right. Be sure to leave space on the sides of about 20-30 pixels

43. Layers>Properties>Blend mode: Luminance (Legacy)

44. Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow: as before

45. Text Tool: Font of choice (I used Avalon), Size: (2010 about double the size of the other text, New about 50% of 2010, rest of text I used 72), Bold: Selected, Centered: Selected, Vector: selected, Width: 0) and add text
2010, New..., Year...Beginnings...,Hopes...Dreams...

46. Position Text as desired

47. Layers>Convert to Raster layer

48. Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow: 2, 2, 85, 5, black, Unchecked

49. Layers>New raster layer

50. Add watermark

51. Layers>Merge>Merge All

52. Resize to your monitor size (if necessary, Lock Aspect Ratio: Unchecked)

53. jpeg and save

That's it, you are done. You now have a desktop to ring in the New Year and Resolutions for the New Year.

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial, and thank you for trying it. If so, feel free to leave a comment, they are nice to see but not required.

This tutorial was written and designed by Deborah and is made using teaching and tips gained from the web and PSP, Animation Shop, and the other programs used, the programs listed Help feature; and is my own creation. Any resemblance to other tutorials available is coincidental.
Please do not share this tutorial or to place it on any web site without my written permission. Please do not translate this tutorial into any other language without my written permission: If sharing, please direct to my blog site at:

Friday, December 18, 2009

Wake Up It's A New Year

Wake Up It's A New Year
by Deborah in NC
here is an example of what we will be making

PDF version of this tutorial can be found here

Supplies Needed:
PSP (written in PSP X, will work in other versions)
Supplies zipped can be found here

No outside plugins are used in this tutorial

1. New image: 500 x 500, pixels, Raster, Transparent (this is our working copy)

2. Flood fill with white

3. Open !!!dkj_121309_scatter_mask in PSP, Minimize

4. Open BS_JCLeyendecker_New_Year's_Baby_LDM in PSP

5. Edit>Copy

6. Minimize original

7. Working copy, Paste as a new layer.

8. Image>Resize: 50% (baby layer only)

9. Move to bottom right corner

10. Drop Shadow: -15, 10, 30, 5, Black, UNchecked

11. Open KMHappyNewYear2Shea in PSP

12. Edit>Copy

13. Close original

14. Working copy, Paste as a new layer.

15. Image>Resize: 50% (New Year Word Art layer)

16. Move to top left corner

17. Drop Shadow: 3, 3, 60, 5, Black, UNchecked

18. Layer palette, activate bottom layer (white layer)

19. Layers>New Raster layer

20. Material palette: FG: Select a color from the Happy New Year words layer, BG: Select a 2nd color from the Happy New Year words layer

21. Material palette: change BG to Foreground/Background gradient (Settings: Angle: 67, Repeats: 0, Linear)

22. Flood fill new raster layer with BG (gradient)

23. Layers>New Mask layer> From image (Settings: Select !!!dkj_121309_scatter_mask, Source Luminance, Invert mask data: UNchecked). OK

24. Layers>Merge>Merge All (flatten)

25. New image: 300 x 300, pixels, raster, transparent

26. Flood fill with BG (gradient)

27. Selections>Select All

28. Maximize BS_JCLeyendecker_New_Year's_Baby_LDM

29. Edit>Copy

30. Close original

31. Edit>Paste>Paste into selection

32. Selections>Select None

33. Effects>Image Effects>Seamless Tile: default settings

34. Adjust>Blur>Radial Blur: Settings: Twirl: checked, Strength: 70, Twirl Degrees: 0, Elliptical: checked, Horizontal, Vertical offset, & Protect Center: 0

35. Repeat Radial Blur

36. Back to working copy

37. Material palette: change FG to pattern, select pattern you just made (Settings: Angle: 68, Scale: 200)

38. Image>Add border: 1, color: white, Symmetric: checked

39. Image>Add border: 7, color: BG, Symmetric: checked

40. Image>Add border: 10, color: white, Symmetric: checked

41. Magic Wand (Settings: Add/Shift, RGB, Tolerance: 0, Use all layers/Sample layer: UNchecked, Contiguous: checked, Feather: 0, Antialias: check, Outside: selected) inside the new border

42. Flood fill with FG (pattern)

43. Effects>3D Effects>Inner Bevel (Settings: #1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, white, 225, 40, 50)

44. Selections>Select None

45. Image>Add border: 1, color: white, Symmetric: checked

46. Image>Add border: 7, color: FG, Symmetric: checked

47. Image>Add border: 30, color: white, Symmetric: checked

48. Magic Wand inside the new border

49. Flood fill with FG (pattern)

50. Effects>Artistic Effects>Topography (Settings: Width: 5, Density: 83, Angle: 45, Color: white

51. Selections>Float

52. Effects>3D Effects>Cutout (settings: 0, 0, 90, 25, FG, UNchecked)

53. Selections>Modify>Contract: 5

54. Effects>3D Effects>Cutout (settings: 0, 0, 90, 25, BG, UNchecked)

55. Selections>Modify>Contract: 5

56. Effects>3D Effects>Cutout (settings: 1, 1, 40, 6, Black, UNchecked)

57. Effects>3D Effects>Cutout (settings: -1, -1, 40, 6, Black, UNchecked)

58. Selections>Select None

59. Image>Add border: 1, color: white, Symmetric: checked

60. Image>Add border: 7, color: BG, Symmetric: checked

61. Image>Add border: 10, color: white, Symmetric: checked

62. Magic Wand inside the new border

63. Flood fill with FG (pattern)

64. Effects>3D Effects>Inner Bevel settings as before

65. Selections>Select None

66. Image>Add border: 7, color: FG, Symmetric: checked

67. Image>Add border: 1, color: white, Symmetric: checked

68. Selections>Select All

69. Selections>Modify>Contract: 82

70. Selections>Float

71. Effects>3D Effects>Cutout (settings: 1, 1, 70, 6, Black, UNchecked)

72. Effects>3D Effects>Cutout (settings: -1, -1, 70, 6, Black, UNchecked)

73. Selections>Invert

74. Effects>3D Effects>Inner Bevel (Settings: #1, 20, 0, 2, 0, 0, white, 225, 40, 50)

75. Selections>Select None

76. Layers>New raster layer

77. Add watermark

78. Add text as desired

79. Resize and save

You are done.

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial, and I wish you a very Happy New Year. Thank you for trying the tutorial. If you enjoyed the tutorial, please feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below. Comments are nice to see but not required.

This tutorial was written and designed by Deborah and is made using teaching and tips gained from the web and PSP, Animation Shop, and the other programs used, the programs listed Help feature; and is my own creation. Any resemblance to other tutorials available is coincidental.
Please do not share this tutorial or to place it on any web site without my written permission. Please do not translate this tutorial into any other language without my written permission: If sharing, please direct to my blog site at:

Tubes by: LDM & KM, and were through group share
Mask by: Deborah in NC

A special thank you to the ladies who tested this tutorial: jeanne, Karen, Patt, and Pastor Karen

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Seasons Reason

Seasons Reason
by Deborah in NC

PDF Version can be found here:

Supplies Needed:
PSP (written in PSP X2, will work in other versions)
-DCIC Cranberry Season Papers here
-Paper 20
-Paper of choice
Tubes here

1. Open Paper 20 from DCIC Cranberry Season Papers.

2. Duplicate (Shift + D).

3. Minimize original.

4. The Duplicate image is our working copy.

5. Open dkj_09_Reason_Season_121209

6. Edit>Copy

7. Close original

8. Paste as a new layer

9.Image>Resize layer: 60%, Bicubic

10. Adjust>Add/Remove Noise>Moire Pattern Removal: Fine Details: 1, Remove Bands: 4

11. Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow: Vertical: -20, Horizontal: 0, Opacity: 20, Blur: 35, Color: #fce6a7, Shadow on new layer: UNchecked

12. Repeat Drop Shadow

13. Open dkj_09_Reason_Season_Star_121209

14. Edit>Copy

15. Close original

16. Paste as a new layer

17. Move to top left corner

18. Colorize if desired

19. Selections>Select All

20. Selections>Float

21. Selections>Defloat

22. Selections>Modify>Expand: 20

23. Layers>New raster layer

24. Layers>Arrange>Move Down

25. Material palette: change FG to #f8ca29 and BG to a15e00

26. Material palette: change FG to gradient Settings: Foreground/Background, Angle: 0, Repeats: 19, Radial: selected, Vertical & Horizontal: 50

27. Flood fill tool: Flood fill selection with FG (gradient)

28. Adjust>Add/Remove Noise>Add Noise: Gaussian: checked, Noise: 50, Monochrome: checked

29. Selections>Select None

30. Adjust>Blur>Blur More

31. Smudge Brush tool (settings: Round, Size: 15, Hardness: 50, Step: 10, Density: 35, Thickness: 100, Rotation: 0, Opacity: 100, All layers/Sample layers: UNchecked

32. Place the smudge brush tool on the rounded edge as indicated here:

33. Click, hold and "flick" slightly to drag out from the edge, you should have something like this:

34. Repeat the smudge in the same place if needed to make it look like my example above

35. Move to the next rounded edge, and repeat the smudge as above.

36. Repeat smudge for remaining rounded edges

37. Activate the Star layer (top layer)

38. Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow: V&H: 3, Opacity: 100, Blur: 4, Color: black, Shadow new layer: Unchecked

39. Repeat Drop Shadow with this change only: V&H: -3

40. Layers>Merge>Merge All

41. Image>Add borders: 1, symmetric checked, Color: black

42.*1 - Image>Add borders: 7, symmetric, white

Magic Wand (settings: Add/Shift, RGB Value, Tolerance: 0, All layers: UNchecked, Contiguous: checked, Feather: 0, Anti-alias: checked, Outside: selected) inside new border

Flood fill with FG (gradient)

Effects>3D Effects>Inner Bevel: #1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, white, 315, 86, 20

Adjust>Add/Remove Noise>Add noise: as before

Select None

43. Image>Add border: 10, symmetric, white

44. Magic wand inside new border

45. Maximize DCIC Cranberry Season Paper 20

46. Edit>Copy

47. Reminimize

48. Image>Paste into selection

49. Effects>3D Effects>Inner Bevel: as before

50. Repeat *1 above

51. Image>Add border: 20, symmetric, white

52. Magic Wand inside new border

53. Select and open a 2nd paper of choice from DCIC Cranberry Season Papers

54. Edit>Copy

55. Close image

56. Image>Paste into selection

57. Effects>3D Effects>Inner bevel: as before only change color to FG

58. Adjust>Add/Remove Noise>Add Noise: as before

59. Effects>Distortion Effects>Ripple (Settings: Center offset - Horizontal: 50.00, Vertical: 50 / Settings - Amplitude: 10, Wavelength: 40 / Edge Mode: Transparent: checked

60. Selections>Select None

61. Image>Add border: 7, symmetric, white

62. Magic wand inside new border

63. Maximize DCIC Cranberry Season Paper 20

64. Edit>Copy

65. Close

66. Image>Paste into selection

67. Effects>3D Effects>Inner Bevel: as before, only change color back to white

68. Selections>Select None

69. Add text as desired

70. Resize & save for desired use.

That's it, you are done!

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial, and thank you for trying it. If so, feel free to leave a comment, they are nice to see but not required.

This tutorial was written and designed by Deborah and is made using teaching and tips gained from the web and PSP, Animation Shop, and the other programs used, the programs listed Help feature; and is my own creation. Any resemblance to other tutorials available is coincidental.
Please do not share this tutorial or to place it on any web site without my written permission. Please do not translate this tutorial into any other language without my written permission: If sharing, please direct to my blog site at:

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cranberry Season

New scrap kit by Deborah.

I have been working on this one for several weeks, and finished last night. It is named Cranberry Season, and is based around the color of Cranberries. It is a tagger size and in png format, so is smaller than the previous kits that I have made and shared. This one will be featured in a PSP tutorial later in the week as well, so be on the lookout for it.

Now for what the kit contains:
20 papers
2 Quick pages
85 Elements
- 4 each of frames, bows, buttons and assorted graphics, and;
- 13 Recipe cards

The uploads are to two places; RapidShare and 4-Shared, links are below the previews.

Here is the preview of the Scrap Kit. Not all items are shown, but there is at least one of everything (except the papers) to give you an idea.

Link to 4-shared

Here is the preview of the first Quick page:

And here is the preview of the 2nd Quick Page:

Links for QuickPages:

Thank you to all who download and Happy Scrapping.

If you feel like leaving a comment, they are greatly appreciated, but not mandatory.


Deborah in NC

Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's A Gingerbread Christmas

It's A Gingerbread Christmas
by Deborah in NC

PDF Version of Tutorial here

Supplies Needed:
PSP (written in PSP X, will work in other versions)
-PinkuPixie - Gingerbread Christmas found here

This was part of a large blog train, and links for other parts are listed below the download area of PinkuPixie's site

Plugin used: Eye Candy 4000

Let's begin:

1. Open a new image 500x500, pixels, raster, transparent

2. Select All

3. Open 1st paper of choice from kit in PSP

4. Edit>Copy


Edit>Paste into selection

Selections>Modifify>Contract: 25

New Raster Layer

Open 2nd paper of choice from kit



Edit>Paste into selection

Selections>Select None

Magic Wand: default settings outside the 2nd paper in PSP

Effects>3D Effects>Cutout: Vertical and Horizontal: 0, Opacity: 100, Blur: 20, Color: Black, Fill interior with color: UNchecked

Selections>Select None

Merge Visible

Open ppixie_gbc_frame



Edit>Paste as a new layer

Image>Resize: 15, Percent, Resample using: Pixel Resize, Lock Aspect Ratio: checked, Resize all layer: UNchecked

Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow: Vertical & Horizontal: 1, Opacity: 80, Blur: 5, Color: Black, Drop shadow on new layer: UNchecked

Magic Wand inside frame area

New raster layer

Layers>Arrange>Move Down

Selections>Modify>Expand: 15

Flood fill with white

Effects>Plugins>Eye Candy 4000>HSB Noise: Click on Settings Option, Select: Smooth Fractal Noise
Settings for rest of plugin: Hue Variation: 100, Saturation Variation: 100, Brightness Variation: 45, Opacity Variation: 0, Lump Width (pixels): 72.00, Lump Height: 82.00, Pattern: Smooth Fractal, Fractal Roughness: 92, Seamless Tile: UNchecked, Random Seed: 1


Effects>Plugins>Eye Candy 4000>Gradient Glow: Basic Tab - Glow Width (pixels): 25.00, Soft Corners (%): 25, Overall Opacity (%): 35, Draw Only Outside Selection: Checked
Color Tab: Rainbow, Opacity: 100,

Selections>Select None

Activate the top layer

Layers>Merge Down

Open Candy Cane image from kit in PSP.



Edit>Paste as a new layer

Image>Resize: 15, Percent, Resample using: Pixel Resize, Lock Aspect Ratio: checked, Resize all layer: UNchecked

Move to bottom right corner of frame image

Duplicate layer


Image>Rotate>Right, 45.00, nothing else checked

Move to top left corner of frame


Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow: Vertical & Horizontal: 3, Opacity: 40, Blur: 5, Color: Black, Drop shadow on new layer: UNchecked

Activate 1st Candy Cane layer

Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow: Vertical & Horizontal: -3, all other the same

Open Gingerbread Girl image in PSP



Edit>Paste as a new layer

Image>Resize: 15, Percent, Resample using: Pixel Resize, Lock Aspect Ratio: checked, Resize all layer: UNchecked

Move to bottom left corner of your image

Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow: Vertical & Horizontal: 0, Opacity: 90, Blur: 15, Color: Black, Drop shadow on new layer: UNchecked

Open Gingerbread boy image in PSP



Edit>Paste as a new layer

Image>Resize: 15, Percent, Resample using: Pixel Resize, Lock Aspect Ratio: checked, Resize all layer: UNchecked

Move to top right corner of your image

Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow: Vertical & Horizontal: 0, Opacity: 90, Blur: 15, Color: Black, Drop shadow on new layer: UNchecked

Open the Peppermint Candy image in PSP



Edit>Paste as a new layer

Image>Resize: 15, Percent, Resample using: Pixel Resize, Lock Aspect Ratio: checked, Resize all layer: UNchecked

Move to bottom right corner of your image

Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow: Vertical & Horizontal: 0, Opacity: 90, Blur: 15, Color: Black, Drop shadow on new layer: UNchecked

Open one of the Gumdrop images in PSP



Edit>Paste as a new layer

Image>Resize: 15, Percent, Resample using: Pixel Resize, Lock Aspect Ratio: checked, Resize all layer: UNchecked

Move to bottom right corner of your image, placing over the Peppermint Candy image slightly

Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow: Vertical & Horizontal: 0, Opacity: 90, Blur: 15, Color: Black, Drop shadow on new layer: UNchecked

Layers>Merge down


Move the top copy to the upper left corner of the image

Layers>Merge All (flatten)

Image>Add border: Symmetric: Checked, Left: 1, Color: Black

Apply text to inside the frame in color, font and size you wish, along with any drop shadow you want

Add a layer and your watermark.

Resize and save for desired use.

To get a very colorful effect, try repeating the Eye Candy 4000>HSB Noise over the whole image. You will end up with something like this:

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and that you and yours have a very Blessed Christmas! I thank you for trying the tutorial, and please feel free to leave a comment, they are nice to see but not required.
If you wish to share your results with me, email them to, I would love to see your results.

This tutorial was written and designed by Deborah and is made using teaching and tips gained from the web and PSP, Animation Shop, and the other programs used, the programs listed Help feature; and is my own creation. Any resemblance to other tutorials available is coincidental.
Please do not share this tutorial or to place it on any web site without my written permission. Please do not translate this tutorial into any other language without my written permission: If sharing, please direct to my blog site at:

This tutorial was conceived on December 6, 2009, Released to blog site December 6, 2009.

Christmas Masked

Christmas Masked
by Deborah in NC

Supplies Needed:
PSP (written in PSP X, will work in other versions)
Zip file here

---CERDA~colored fairies_Layers
-LiteBlue Fairy
-mask 1
-mask 2

Plugins needed: Filters Unlimited

PDF document of tutorial here

Lets Begin:

1. Open a new image 800x800, pixels, Raster, Transparent

2. Set FG in material palette to 2 color gradient, and select or create a gradient of choice (light to medium colors work best). Settings: Angle: 45, Repeats: 9, Radial, Vertical and Horizontal: 50

3. Flood fill image with FG (gradient)

4. New image 500x500, pixels, Raster, Transparent

5. Material palette, change the FG to a medium complimentary color to your larger image, and BG to white

6. Flood fill new image with FG

7. New raster layer

8. Flood fill with BG (white)

9. Layers>New Mask Layer: Mask 1, Source luminance: checked, Invert mask data: UNchecked

10. Merge group

11. Change blend mode: Dissolve
(Double click on top layer to open dialogue box, OR right click on layer-select properties to open dialogue box, OR use the blend mode bar on right side of layer)

12. Merge visible.

13. Effects>Plugins>Filters Unlimited>Square Edges: #1

14. Edit>Copy

15. Minimize image

16. Working copy: Edit>Paste as a new layer

17. Move to top left corner

18. Change blend mode: soft light

19. Drop shadow: Vertical & Horizontal: 2, Opacity: 80, Blur: 8, Color: black, Shadow on new layer: UNchecked

20. Repeat drop shadow, change Vertical & Horizontal: -2

21. Maximize masked image. Undo to the point of the white flood fill, it should still be visible.

22. Layers>New Mask Layer: Mask 2, Source luminance: checked, Invert mask data: UNchecked

23. Merge group

24. Change blend mode: Dissolve

25. Merge visible

26. Effects>Plugins>Filters Unlimited>Square Edges: #12

27. Edit>Copy

28. Minimize image

29. Working copy: Edit>Paste as a new layer

30. Repeat steps 18, 19, & 20

31. Move to bottom right corner

32. Open IE_Tube83_Juletrae

33. Edit>Copy

34. Close

35. Working copy: Edit>Paste as a new layer

36. Resize layer: 80%

37. Move to position over whichever masked layer you prefer, position in center

38. Drop Shadow: Vertical & Horizontal: 4, Opacity: 80, Blur: 6, Color: black, Shadow on new layer: UNchecked

39. Open --CERDA~colored fairies_Layers.

40. Select one of the fairies layers in layer palette, then Edit>Copy

41. Minimize

42. Working copy: Edit>Paste as a new layer

43. Move to position placing star on tree

44. Drop shadow: as before

45. Maximize --CERDA~colored fairies_Layers

46. Select the same or a different fairy, then Edit>Copy

47. Close

48. Working copy: Edit>Paste as a new layer

49. Image>Mirror

50. Move to position where you wish to place by the tree.

51. Drop shadow: as before

52. Open Chmas-24-KK's-DeZines.

53. Edit>Copy

54. Close

55. Working copy: Edit>Paste as a new layer

56. Resize layer: 80%

57. Move to position on the other masked layer.

58. Drop shadow: as before

59. Open LiteBlue Fairy

60. Edit>Copy

61. Close

62. Working copy: Edit>Paste as a new layer

63. Resize layer: 80%

64. Image>Mirror (if desired)

65. Move to position around the block image (see my example for placement)

66. Drop shadow: as before

67. Selections>Select All

68. Selections>Modify>Contract: 20

69. Selections>Invert

70. Check that none of the masked layers overlap into the selected area. If they do, use the mover tool to reposition inside the selected area, as well as any of the tube layers that may need repositioning

71. Merge Visible.

72. Selection>Promote Selection to layer

73. Inner Bevel: #2, 12, 4, 4, 0, 0, white, 315, 50, 20

74. Change blend mode: Burn

75. Merge Visible

76. Select None

77. Add layer and watermark

78. Resize to desired use.

79. Save

You are finished!!!

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and that you and yours have a very Blessed Christmas! I thank you for trying the tutorial, and please feel free to leave a comment, they are nice to see but not required.
If you wish to share your results with me, email them to, I would love to see your results.

This tutorial was written and designed by Deborah and is made using teaching and tips gained from the web and PSP, Animation Shop, and the other programs used, the programs listed Help feature; and is my own creation. Any resemblance to other tutorials available is coincidental.
Please do not share this tutorial or to place it on any web site without my written permission. Please do not translate this tutorial into any other language without my written permission: If sharing, please direct to my blog site at:

This tutorial was conceived on December 3, 2009, Released to blog site December 6, 2009.

Tubes by talented others, if tuber known it is in the tube image, I received them through group shares and am sharing as I received them.

Here is another example:

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree
by Deborah in NC

Skill Level: Intermediate (working knowledge of PSP helpful, colorizing knowledge a must)

Supplies Needed:
PSP (written in PSP X, will work in other versions)
Christmas Tree zip file here
-dkj_09-Garland overlay
-dkj_09-gift master
-dkj_09-ornament master
-dkj_09-star master
-dkj_09-teddy bear master
-dkj_09-word art MC
Also included
-dkj_09-ornament master-blue
-dkj_09-ornament master-green
-dkj_09-ornament master-orange
-dkj_09-ornament master-pink
-dkj_09-ornament master-purple
-dkj_09-ornament master-red
-dkj_09-ornament master-silver
-dkj_09-ornament master-yellow
Eye Candy 4000>Corona

Unzip supplies to location of choice so you can find them easily.

Let's begin.
New image: 500x600, pixels, raster, Black
Open ChristmasTree_White_LG_patao
Close original
Edit>Paste as a new layer on working copy
Open dkj_09-Garland overlay
Duplicate (Shift+D on keyboard)
Close original.
Bottom garland layer should be the active layer (if not, click the layer to activate it)
Working copy, Edit>paste as a new layer
#1 - Selections>Select All
Selections>Modify>Expand: 4
Layers>New raster layer
Flood fill with a color or gradient of choice
Selections>Select None
Adjust>Blur>Blur More
Adjust>Add noise>Gaussian Blur: checked, Noise: 50, Monochrome: checked
Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow: Vertical & Horizontal: 2, Opacity: 40, Blur: 9, Color: Black, Shadow on new layer: UNchecked
Layers>Merge Down
Mover tool, move to bottom boughs of Christmas Tree.

Back to dkj_09-Garland overlay, activate 3rd garland layer
Working copy, Edit>paste as a new layer
Repeat #1 above
Mover tool, move above the garland on the bottom boughs of Christmas Tree. (see example above for placement)

Back to dkj_09-Garland overlay, activate 2nd garland layer
Working copy, Edit>paste as a new layer
Repeat #1 above
Mover tool, move to upper branches of Christmas Tree (see example above for placement)

Back to dkj_09-Garland overlay, activate top garland layer
Working copy, Edit>paste as a new layer
Repeat #1 above
Mover tool, move to uppermost branches of Christmas Tree (see example above for placement)

Open dkj_09-ornament master (there are two layers, ornament (bottom) layer will be active.
.....or you can select from the available colorized ornaments in the zip file to open instead.
Duplicate Image (Shift+D on keyboard)
Close original
Colorize to desired color (Skip this step if you are using any of the colored ornaments)
Edit>Copy Merged
Back to working copy
Edit>paste as a new layer
Drop shadow: settings as before
Image>Resize the ornament if desired
Mover tool, position on the tree where desired
If you wish to have all your ornaments the same color, duplicate layer, and position in other portions of the tree
If you wish to have different colors, go back to ornament, undo the previous colorization, and recolorize.
Use as many or as few as you like.

Open dkj_09-star master.
Duplicate Image (Shift+D on keyboard)
Close original
Colorize to desired color
Back to working copy
Edit>paste as a new layer
Move to top of tree
Effects>Plugins>Eye Candy 4000>Corona (Settings: Glow Width: 26.63, Flare Size: 5.00, Stretch: 100, Waver: 64, Blur: 0, Overal opacity: 100, Color: very light color of choice (I used a pale yellow), Draw Only Outside Selection: Checked, Radiate from the selection: UNchecked, Random Seed: 1

Open dkj_09-gift master
Duplicate Image (Shift+D on keyboard)
There are 3 layers; bottom layer the gift layer, middle layer is the vertical ribbon, top layer the horizontal ribbon. Each layer can be colorized to colors of choice. Ribbon layers can be moved to position of choice as well.
Once you have the gift and ribbons colorized to your liking, Edit>Copy merged
Back to working copy, Edit>Paste as a new layer
Resize and/or rotate to your liking.
Move to position at the bottom of the tree
Repeat for as many gifts as you wish to use, colorizing differently if you like by activating the original gift image, undoing previous colorizing, and re-colorize.

Open dkj_09-teddy bear.
Back to working copy
Edit>paste as a new layer
Move to bottom of the tree, position (mirror if need be) at the bottom of the tree.
Drop Shadow: Vertical & Horizontal: 2, Opacity: 60, Blur: 5, Color: Black, Shadow on new layer: UNchecked

Open dkj_09-Word Art
Duplicate Image (Shift+D on keyboard)
Colorize if desired
Back to working copy
Edit>paste as a new layer
Image>Free Rotate: Left: Selected, 25, nothing checked
Drop shadow: as before
Drop shadow: change vertical and horizontal: -2, all other settings the same
Repeat Effects>Eye Candy 4000>Corona, change color if desire

Layers>Merge All
Image>Add border: Symmetric: checked, Left: 1, color: white
Image>Add border: Symmetric: checked, Left: 1, color: black

Add raster layer
Add watermark
Resize to desired size
Jpeg and save

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and that you and yours have a very Blessed Christmas! I thank you for trying the tutorial, and please feel free to leave a comment, they are nice to see but not required.
If you wish to share your results with me, email them to, I would love to see your results.

This tutorial was written and designed by Deborah and is made using teaching and tips gained from the web and PSP, Animation Shop, and the other programs used, the programs listed Help feature; and is my own creation. Any resemblance to other tutorials available is coincidental.
Please do not share this tutorial or to place it on any web site without my written permission. Please do not translate this tutorial into any other language without my written permission: If sharing, please direct to my blog site at:

This tutorial was conceived on December 3, 2009, Released to blog site December 4, 2009.
Graphics used in this tutorial, Tree tubed by unknown source
Rest of items were the creation of Deborah in NC
Tubes by Deborah are shared on Google groups at this group:

Tutorial in pdf format can be found here