Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Masked

Christmas Masked
by Deborah in NC

Supplies Needed:
PSP (written in PSP X, will work in other versions)
Zip file here

---CERDA~colored fairies_Layers
-LiteBlue Fairy
-mask 1
-mask 2

Plugins needed: Filters Unlimited

PDF document of tutorial here

Lets Begin:

1. Open a new image 800x800, pixels, Raster, Transparent

2. Set FG in material palette to 2 color gradient, and select or create a gradient of choice (light to medium colors work best). Settings: Angle: 45, Repeats: 9, Radial, Vertical and Horizontal: 50

3. Flood fill image with FG (gradient)

4. New image 500x500, pixels, Raster, Transparent

5. Material palette, change the FG to a medium complimentary color to your larger image, and BG to white

6. Flood fill new image with FG

7. New raster layer

8. Flood fill with BG (white)

9. Layers>New Mask Layer: Mask 1, Source luminance: checked, Invert mask data: UNchecked

10. Merge group

11. Change blend mode: Dissolve
(Double click on top layer to open dialogue box, OR right click on layer-select properties to open dialogue box, OR use the blend mode bar on right side of layer)

12. Merge visible.

13. Effects>Plugins>Filters Unlimited>Square Edges: #1

14. Edit>Copy

15. Minimize image

16. Working copy: Edit>Paste as a new layer

17. Move to top left corner

18. Change blend mode: soft light

19. Drop shadow: Vertical & Horizontal: 2, Opacity: 80, Blur: 8, Color: black, Shadow on new layer: UNchecked

20. Repeat drop shadow, change Vertical & Horizontal: -2

21. Maximize masked image. Undo to the point of the white flood fill, it should still be visible.

22. Layers>New Mask Layer: Mask 2, Source luminance: checked, Invert mask data: UNchecked

23. Merge group

24. Change blend mode: Dissolve

25. Merge visible

26. Effects>Plugins>Filters Unlimited>Square Edges: #12

27. Edit>Copy

28. Minimize image

29. Working copy: Edit>Paste as a new layer

30. Repeat steps 18, 19, & 20

31. Move to bottom right corner

32. Open IE_Tube83_Juletrae

33. Edit>Copy

34. Close

35. Working copy: Edit>Paste as a new layer

36. Resize layer: 80%

37. Move to position over whichever masked layer you prefer, position in center

38. Drop Shadow: Vertical & Horizontal: 4, Opacity: 80, Blur: 6, Color: black, Shadow on new layer: UNchecked

39. Open --CERDA~colored fairies_Layers.

40. Select one of the fairies layers in layer palette, then Edit>Copy

41. Minimize

42. Working copy: Edit>Paste as a new layer

43. Move to position placing star on tree

44. Drop shadow: as before

45. Maximize --CERDA~colored fairies_Layers

46. Select the same or a different fairy, then Edit>Copy

47. Close

48. Working copy: Edit>Paste as a new layer

49. Image>Mirror

50. Move to position where you wish to place by the tree.

51. Drop shadow: as before

52. Open Chmas-24-KK's-DeZines.

53. Edit>Copy

54. Close

55. Working copy: Edit>Paste as a new layer

56. Resize layer: 80%

57. Move to position on the other masked layer.

58. Drop shadow: as before

59. Open LiteBlue Fairy

60. Edit>Copy

61. Close

62. Working copy: Edit>Paste as a new layer

63. Resize layer: 80%

64. Image>Mirror (if desired)

65. Move to position around the block image (see my example for placement)

66. Drop shadow: as before

67. Selections>Select All

68. Selections>Modify>Contract: 20

69. Selections>Invert

70. Check that none of the masked layers overlap into the selected area. If they do, use the mover tool to reposition inside the selected area, as well as any of the tube layers that may need repositioning

71. Merge Visible.

72. Selection>Promote Selection to layer

73. Inner Bevel: #2, 12, 4, 4, 0, 0, white, 315, 50, 20

74. Change blend mode: Burn

75. Merge Visible

76. Select None

77. Add layer and watermark

78. Resize to desired use.

79. Save

You are finished!!!

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and that you and yours have a very Blessed Christmas! I thank you for trying the tutorial, and please feel free to leave a comment, they are nice to see but not required.
If you wish to share your results with me, email them to, I would love to see your results.

This tutorial was written and designed by Deborah and is made using teaching and tips gained from the web and PSP, Animation Shop, and the other programs used, the programs listed Help feature; and is my own creation. Any resemblance to other tutorials available is coincidental.
Please do not share this tutorial or to place it on any web site without my written permission. Please do not translate this tutorial into any other language without my written permission: If sharing, please direct to my blog site at:

This tutorial was conceived on December 3, 2009, Released to blog site December 6, 2009.

Tubes by talented others, if tuber known it is in the tube image, I received them through group shares and am sharing as I received them.

Here is another example:

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