Friday, December 18, 2009

Wake Up It's A New Year

Wake Up It's A New Year
by Deborah in NC
here is an example of what we will be making

PDF version of this tutorial can be found here

Supplies Needed:
PSP (written in PSP X, will work in other versions)
Supplies zipped can be found here

No outside plugins are used in this tutorial

1. New image: 500 x 500, pixels, Raster, Transparent (this is our working copy)

2. Flood fill with white

3. Open !!!dkj_121309_scatter_mask in PSP, Minimize

4. Open BS_JCLeyendecker_New_Year's_Baby_LDM in PSP

5. Edit>Copy

6. Minimize original

7. Working copy, Paste as a new layer.

8. Image>Resize: 50% (baby layer only)

9. Move to bottom right corner

10. Drop Shadow: -15, 10, 30, 5, Black, UNchecked

11. Open KMHappyNewYear2Shea in PSP

12. Edit>Copy

13. Close original

14. Working copy, Paste as a new layer.

15. Image>Resize: 50% (New Year Word Art layer)

16. Move to top left corner

17. Drop Shadow: 3, 3, 60, 5, Black, UNchecked

18. Layer palette, activate bottom layer (white layer)

19. Layers>New Raster layer

20. Material palette: FG: Select a color from the Happy New Year words layer, BG: Select a 2nd color from the Happy New Year words layer

21. Material palette: change BG to Foreground/Background gradient (Settings: Angle: 67, Repeats: 0, Linear)

22. Flood fill new raster layer with BG (gradient)

23. Layers>New Mask layer> From image (Settings: Select !!!dkj_121309_scatter_mask, Source Luminance, Invert mask data: UNchecked). OK

24. Layers>Merge>Merge All (flatten)

25. New image: 300 x 300, pixels, raster, transparent

26. Flood fill with BG (gradient)

27. Selections>Select All

28. Maximize BS_JCLeyendecker_New_Year's_Baby_LDM

29. Edit>Copy

30. Close original

31. Edit>Paste>Paste into selection

32. Selections>Select None

33. Effects>Image Effects>Seamless Tile: default settings

34. Adjust>Blur>Radial Blur: Settings: Twirl: checked, Strength: 70, Twirl Degrees: 0, Elliptical: checked, Horizontal, Vertical offset, & Protect Center: 0

35. Repeat Radial Blur

36. Back to working copy

37. Material palette: change FG to pattern, select pattern you just made (Settings: Angle: 68, Scale: 200)

38. Image>Add border: 1, color: white, Symmetric: checked

39. Image>Add border: 7, color: BG, Symmetric: checked

40. Image>Add border: 10, color: white, Symmetric: checked

41. Magic Wand (Settings: Add/Shift, RGB, Tolerance: 0, Use all layers/Sample layer: UNchecked, Contiguous: checked, Feather: 0, Antialias: check, Outside: selected) inside the new border

42. Flood fill with FG (pattern)

43. Effects>3D Effects>Inner Bevel (Settings: #1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, white, 225, 40, 50)

44. Selections>Select None

45. Image>Add border: 1, color: white, Symmetric: checked

46. Image>Add border: 7, color: FG, Symmetric: checked

47. Image>Add border: 30, color: white, Symmetric: checked

48. Magic Wand inside the new border

49. Flood fill with FG (pattern)

50. Effects>Artistic Effects>Topography (Settings: Width: 5, Density: 83, Angle: 45, Color: white

51. Selections>Float

52. Effects>3D Effects>Cutout (settings: 0, 0, 90, 25, FG, UNchecked)

53. Selections>Modify>Contract: 5

54. Effects>3D Effects>Cutout (settings: 0, 0, 90, 25, BG, UNchecked)

55. Selections>Modify>Contract: 5

56. Effects>3D Effects>Cutout (settings: 1, 1, 40, 6, Black, UNchecked)

57. Effects>3D Effects>Cutout (settings: -1, -1, 40, 6, Black, UNchecked)

58. Selections>Select None

59. Image>Add border: 1, color: white, Symmetric: checked

60. Image>Add border: 7, color: BG, Symmetric: checked

61. Image>Add border: 10, color: white, Symmetric: checked

62. Magic Wand inside the new border

63. Flood fill with FG (pattern)

64. Effects>3D Effects>Inner Bevel settings as before

65. Selections>Select None

66. Image>Add border: 7, color: FG, Symmetric: checked

67. Image>Add border: 1, color: white, Symmetric: checked

68. Selections>Select All

69. Selections>Modify>Contract: 82

70. Selections>Float

71. Effects>3D Effects>Cutout (settings: 1, 1, 70, 6, Black, UNchecked)

72. Effects>3D Effects>Cutout (settings: -1, -1, 70, 6, Black, UNchecked)

73. Selections>Invert

74. Effects>3D Effects>Inner Bevel (Settings: #1, 20, 0, 2, 0, 0, white, 225, 40, 50)

75. Selections>Select None

76. Layers>New raster layer

77. Add watermark

78. Add text as desired

79. Resize and save

You are done.

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial, and I wish you a very Happy New Year. Thank you for trying the tutorial. If you enjoyed the tutorial, please feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below. Comments are nice to see but not required.

This tutorial was written and designed by Deborah and is made using teaching and tips gained from the web and PSP, Animation Shop, and the other programs used, the programs listed Help feature; and is my own creation. Any resemblance to other tutorials available is coincidental.
Please do not share this tutorial or to place it on any web site without my written permission. Please do not translate this tutorial into any other language without my written permission: If sharing, please direct to my blog site at:

Tubes by: LDM & KM, and were through group share
Mask by: Deborah in NC

A special thank you to the ladies who tested this tutorial: jeanne, Karen, Patt, and Pastor Karen

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